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The Importance of Rest Days for Dogs

14/12/2023 - Training

In our fast-paced and busy lives, we often find ourselves in need of a day off to rest and recharge. But have you ever considered that our furry companions could benefit from a rest day too? In this blog, we will explore the concept of rest days for dogs and why they are crucial for their overall well-being.

What is a rest day?

A day-off from external stressors – no walks, training or activities outside of the home. Instead the day is spent at home, relaxing and undertaking calm activities that use the brain or a chance to sleep.

Why do they need one?

Just like humans, dogs can become mentally and physically overwhelmed from their daily activities. Whether it's a busy training week, first day home after a holiday or emotional stress, our canine friends can experience the same feelings of fatigue and burnout. Without adequate rest, dogs may suffer from sleep disturbances, over-arousal or increased reactivity. By providing our dogs with regular rest days, we allow them to recover, recharge, and maintain optimal health.

What are the benefits?

Rest days offer numerous benefits for dogs of all ages, here are just a few
  • Drain their emotional cup - similar to humans, dogs have an emotional threshold that can be overwhelmed by various stressors in their environment. By giving them a day off from outside stresses, such as walks and social interactions, we allow their emotional cup to empty, promoting a more balanced and stress-free mindset.
  • A day off is normal – dogs become accustomed to the concept of downtime and develop a sense of calmness. This is particularly important for dogs that are prone to hyperactivity, reactivity, or anxiety. By teaching them to chill out at home, we alleviate their need for constant stimulation and physical exercise – a huge benefit if they are unwell and need recovery time or the weather is unsafe for walking
  • Beneficial in managing specific behavioural issues. Dogs that are reactive, nervous, or easily overwhelmed can benefit greatly from a day off. It allows them to recover and recuperate, preventing their emotional cup from overflowing and triggering reactive behaviour.
  • Crucial in the development of young puppies and adolescents who are going through various physical and mental changes. By providing downtime, we give them the opportunity to reset, promoting a more balanced and well-rounded development.  
  • A chance for you to rest – if walking your dog is stressful or unenjoyable having to endure it everyday can affect your mental health – a day off for both of you is beneficial and makes the next day’s walks/training more effective.

What can I do?

Implementing a rest day for your furry companion is relatively simple. Instead of walks, engage their minds with calming and mentally stimulating activities. Playing with food, using puzzle toys, and providing relaxing chew items can help to promote stress-relief and promote a sense of relaxation. Sniffing and searching for treats around the house or playing gentle training exercises can also provide mental stimulation without excessive physical exertion.
In a society that emphasizes constant productivity and busyness, it's essential to recognize the value of rest days for our dogs. These days allow them to recharge and recover, maintaining optimal mental and physical health. By embracing rest days, we not only benefit our furry companions, but we also promote a healthier and more relaxed environment for ourselves. So, the next time you feel the need for a day off, consider extending that courtesy to your precious canine companion and watch them thrive. Remember, rest is essential for their overall well-being, and by incorporating rest days into their routine, you are ensuring they have the opportunity to lead a happy and balanced life.

Find out more about Rest Day is our podcast episode:
Potter Paws is a Dog Training School in Buckinghamshire.