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5 Ways to create a positive mindset

27/06/2023 - Training

I think it's safe to say that at some point in our dog companion journey, we all struggle with something at least once, if not a lot more! We naturally put a lot of pressure on ourselves and set ridiculously high expectations, then feel awful when we don't meet them within the first few weeks. There's pressure from friends, family members and the public to have the 'perfectly’ well behaved dog who never puts a paw out of line and is easy to live alongside with minimal effort.

If we reflect on it, most of us will know that we probably expect a little too much. But we can't help it, it's human nature! It's easy to feel defeated, downhearted and that it is our fault and ours alone when things don't go to plan.

Creating a healthy positive mindset in training and around sharing your life with a dog is so important as we progress on our dog companion journey. Here are our top five suggestions to help you remain positive when the going gets tough.
Limit Negative Vibes
No matter what you do, some of your friends and family will never see the good in your dog and only see the negatives. They might moan about the drool, begging at the table or the enthusiastic greeting when they visit. These people are likely to not support you or make an effort to help you by following the training methods you've asked them to. They'll encourage you to focus on the negatives rather than the baby steps of progress and make you feel deflated. It won't always be possible but if you can limit these situations by visiting their house instead of them coming to you, leave your dog at home when you go out together or arrange for your dog to be elsewhere when they visit.
Find your tribe
Aim to surround yourselves with people, social media accounts and reading that makes you feel GOOD about your dog and your journey. Finding a community of supportive dog lovers who appreciate your struggles, recognise your efforts, support you when it's tough and celebrate your wins will be invaluable to your positive mindset and success with your dog.
Your home, your decision
Remember you are the only one to set your goals and expectations. There is no right or wrong, as long as you are happy with choices that's all that matters. Whether you want your dog to sleep downstairs or in your bed, whether they are or aren't allowed on the sofa - it's your decision! If your leadwork isn’t perfect, but it’s good enough for you – that’s ok!
Find the good things
We tend to get drawn towards the negatives, things we're not happy about or want to change and forget to look for the good. Focus on what your dog CAN do well, the successes you have already had and what you are happy with! Finding the positives and celebrating those wins will help you feel motivated to make small steps towards achieving more goals!

Small Measurable Achievable Goals
We believe training is a journey and that we should focus on each step of the journey rather than the destination. Setting some small, achievable goals will firstly help you to focus on the activities that will get you there and secondly help you to look back and reflect on your achievements. Write down ONE thing you can do this week, no matter how small, that will help you achieve a bigger goal.

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Hear more about this topic on our Podcast - The Dynamic Dog Owner