Discover our TOP TIPS

to reduce puppy biting and restore calm and happiness to your household!

Are you fed up with your puppy's sharp teeth?

You thought you were getting a new best friend but instead you have a land-shark nipping at your fingers and toes...

It's not quite the cute, calm and cuddly bundle you were expecting....

Believe me - we've ALL been there, you are not alone!
You are just about coping with your lack of sleep, new routines and needing eyes in the back of your head.
When puppy becomes a piranha it's easy to feel despondent, deflated and wondering - whose idea was it to get a puppy anyway?

What if I told you that there's a better way than just saying NO! The key to dealing with puppy biting is to understand:

WHY your puppy is biting

WHEN it happens

HOW to prevent it

WHAT to do when they are biting
Our Puppy Biting Cheatsheet is now available to help you understand the basics of how to cope with your 'baby shark'

Discover the reasons why your puppy bites and learn how to reduce puppy biting, so that you feel calmer, more relaxed and have the knowledge to be able to effectively manage when your puppy begins to bite

Once you've read our tips, you can start enjoying life with your puppy and start sharing your life journey with one less hurdle to overcome!
Get your FREE Download NOW

Download your Puppy Biting Cheatsheet to understand the basics of how to manage your puppy biting and help create a calmer household, and receive our weekly emails full of tips and advice to help on your dog parenting journey.

Who are we?

As well as living alongside three retrievers, Debbie also shares life with two teenage daughters and her husband - so has experience of welcoming both children and puppies into a household and all the many tribulations this brings!

Debbie is the Founder, Director and Head Trainer at Potter Paws, an independent family run business specialising in Family Dog Training.

Her passions include puppies, loose-lead training and scent detection. She is passionate about coaching families to be successful in their dog-parenting role and helping create confident, skilled humans and dogs to make every day life a little easier - ensuring you and your best friend have the best life together.