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Why are dogs good for your health?

14/03/2022 - Potter Paws Blog

There’s no denying that pets are a great source of comfort. All pets - even fish - can have a positive effect on our mental wellbeing (in case you’re wondering, watching fish in an aquarium induces calm!).
Dogs, though, are especially beneficial to both our physical and mental health. One of the first animals to be domesticated by humans, dogs are not known as man’s best friend for nothing. In fact, studies have shown that our bond with dogs is actually very similar to the one we feel towards our own offspring.
To dig a little deeper, how can owning a dog help your overall health?
  1. Dogs force you to exercise
If you’ve ever set your alarm for early o’clock to go out running and then hit snooze several times, you’re definitely not alone. Snoozing becomes a little harder though when you’re responsible for an energetic hound (with a full bladder!). Not only does having a dog force you to exercise but it motivates you - getting outside in the morning might feel more appealing with your excited companion by your side. And studies have proven that households with dogs have lower obesity rates than those without.
  1. Dogs prevent loneliness
Humans (and dogs too!) are social creatures and the need to feel loved and wanted is one of our basic instincts. But we don’t just have to feel love and connection from other humans in order to be happy. Dogs love us unconditionally and show this through a variety of behaviours which can be a great source of reassurance when we’re feeling lonely - and just as much of a wellbeing boost as a supportive friend or partner.
  1. Dogs encourage social interaction
Owning a dog creates a talking point with others - particularly other dog owners. When you’re out on a walk with your dog you’re more likely to interact with other owners as you have common ground. There is much camaraderie between dog owners, and you may find yourself brought into a whole new community. In this way, your dog may be the key to you forming new, fulfilling relationships.
  1. Dogs are a form of therapy
The existence of therapy dogs is testament to the fact that dogs have a proven, positive psychological effect on humans. While using dogs as a form of therapy might seem like a new-age practice, dogs have actually been helping boost people’s wellbeing for centuries. Today, therapy dogs are used to assist with a range of mental health problems and make the world more accessible for all. Dogs are non-discriminatory and unconditional in their affections which is hugely helpful for those who might feel judged by others.
  1. Dogs help us sleep!
We’ve established that our bonds with dogs can reduce depression and promote happiness. Well, that happiness also equals restful sleep. Researchers have discovered that sleeping with your dog prompts theta brain waves - the same brain waves that help us feel relaxed and occur during meditation and sleep. So perhaps it’s time to let your doggy up on the bed after all?!
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A well-mannered dog makes for a happy relationship between owner and pooch. At Potter Paws we provide training that helps develop a strong bond between the two of you, promotes happiness and boosts your overall wellbeing.