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How We Boost Dog Owners’ Confidence

25/04/2022 - Training

Confidence breeds happiness, success and fulfilment and this is certainly the case when training your pup. Much of dog training is about confidence, not just the dog’s but the owner’s too.

The Potter Paws approach

Potter Paws is a Dog Training School in Buckinghamshire and our belief is: how can you be expected to know something if you’ve never been taught? So with this in mind, we work to equip you with knowledge and sustainable training techniques that will improve your confidence and your relationship with your dog.
We provide a supportive environment by guiding, encouraging and listening to your questions (and no question is a stupid question!)

Dismantling limiting beliefs

We all experience limiting beliefs in various aspects of our lives and this extends to puppy training.
I’m not good at training my dog because I don’t have the patience
I give in too easily so I won’t be able to properly train my dog
My dog is so naughty, he won’t change. He just isn’t trainable.
Do any of these sound familiar?
We help you realise that these statements are not true. When you join us for puppy training we are ‘training’ you much more than your puppy. We encourage you to see that you can do it and that you’re not bad if you previously took a different approach.

How belief in yourself results in an well-mannered pup

  • Confidence increases resilience
Training a puppy takes patience and resilience. As we’ve said before, there is no quick fix to dog training. It’s a gradual process and it will be a journey with highs and lows. But as you build your confidence, you won’t then be as disheartened when things don’t work the first time.
  • More confidence means higher motivation
From resilience comes motivation. The more you accept that things don’t work immediately, the more motivated you’ll be to keep going. Dog training is about repetition and not giving up. This doesn’t always come easy but we will be at your side to motivate you. Eventually, as you start to see differences, you’ll find even more motivation.
  • Confidence = trust
The word confidence comes from the Latin cōnfīdentia, meaning trust. Trust is one of the most important elements of any relationship whether it’s between two humans or a dog and a human. But just like humans, dogs are less likely to trust an owner who doesn’t feel (or at least seem) confident. And a dog that doesn’t trust its owner won’t listen to instructions.
At Potter Paws, by boosting owners’ confidence in their abilities, we automatically inspire dogs’ trust.
  • Trust = A loving relationship
Once both owner and dog have trust and confidence in each other, a true bond is formed and a lasting, respectful relationship can flourish. 
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We’re ethical dog trainers and we pride ourselves on providing a nurturing, happy environment for both owners and dogs. We don’t just want to see healthy, happy puppies but healthy, happy people too.