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How to find a good breeder

06/04/2021 - Puppy Information

Our more home-based lifestyle has led to an increase in people deciding to get a puppy.  It’s an exciting time and many people are so keen on having a new addition to the family home that they are not taking the time to complete due diligence on the breeder they choose. 

Recently, the RSPCA warned of a sharp increase in online dogs sales during the pandemic and say they expect to see a major dog welfare crisis this year.  There are plenty of breeders out there who are uninformed, unscrupulous, or both who are contributing to this crisis.  Therefore, it is so important to take your time and be picky about finding the right breeder.

A good, reputable breeder won’t just provide you with the perfect puppy.  Most provide numerous other benefits including:
  1. An invaluable source of knowledge and education about your dog’s breed
  2. Help you select the right dog food and grooming supplies
  3. Provide a timeline for what to expect during your dog’s puppy years and may even be able to help troubleshoot training troubles.
  4. Help match you with the puppy that’s best suited to your household
We recommend you talk to and visit several breeders, so you get a sense of what separates the really dedicated breeder from the not-so dedicated one.

Here’s Potter Paws list of recommendations for when choosing a breeder

Ask to be shown where the puppies live. They should be living in the house with the breeder’s family.  A puppy who’s born into a family environment has a better chance at growing up relaxed, friendly and socialised.  A puppy isolated from humans in a barn, shed, garage or back garden is more likely to become shy or aggressive.  The home should be clean, safe and sanitary.

Ask how often the puppies have been handled.  Puppies should be handled by lots of different people beginning very early in life so they’ll grow up to be comfortable and safe around humans. Ideally, the breeder throws regular puppy parties, inviting lots of guests over to play with and handle the puppies.

Meet the Parents!  Meeting the father may not be possible, but you should certainly meet the mother. A puppy’s parents give you better insight into his or her future personality than does their breed. A friendly, well-behaved Mum or Dad dog is a good sign, both that you’ve found a good litter and a good breeder.

Ask how many litters they raise each year. A breeder with just one or two litters a year will have the time to give them the care and handling they need, and to find them good homes. Each female dog should be bred no more than once a year.

Ask to speak to someone who has bought a puppy from them. Good breeders should be happy to give you references; even better, they’ll refer you to other breeders as well as customers. 

A good breeder will want to find out more about you. They should ask you questions about your household and routine which is a good sign they want to find the best home for the puppy.

Remember, no breeder will allow you to take a puppy home before it is 8 weeks old because this is too early to be separated from their litter.  Be very mindful of breeders who only want to meet online and/or not at their home and click here to find out what to do it you spot a puppy farm or illegal advert.

Essentially, before buying a puppy, take the time to research and find a responsible breeder. Puppies from good breeders are more likely to grow up to be healthy, temperamentally sound dogs.
Now we’ve given you some information on how to find the right breeder, click here to discover how to find the best puppy for you.