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Getting to know our Office Assistant, Gemma Defriez

01/03/2022 - Potter Paws Blog

Whether you have already met our Office Assistant, Gemma, or have yet to visit her in the office, it's always nice to know a little more about the person behind the emails/phone calls. Our other staff members came up with ten questions for Gemma to answer and here you'll find the answers!

What's your dream holiday?   
Backpacking, to be honest anywhere! seeing the world has always been a passion of mine and backpacking is the perfect way to experience different cultures and Countries, I've travelled quite alot but still have a few places on my list that I am yet to get to, Japan, India, Bora Bora and would love to see more of South East Asia. 

You can watch any tv programme - what would you choose?
Horror, thrillers, I love the adrenalin from being scared, but equally love a bit of trash tv and true crime documentaries. 
Do you have a favourite book? 
I'm not a massive reader but anything crime or thriller, there seems to be a theme here. 

Who inspires you? 
My dad Norm, he is a genuine legend. 

Woodland or seaside? 
Hmmm tough one, maybe sea side, Devon has always been a firm favourite and I grew up in small town by the sea called Grange Over Sands in Cumbria. 

What would you sing at karaoke?
I like to think I can sing in the shower ;) maybe a bit of Adele but I would totally butcher it. 

What's your ideal sunday?
A bit of a lie in, I'm talking till maybe 9am, with 3 kids thats a real treat! Prepping a roast, making pancakes with the kids then a potter in the garden, starting some DIY projects, then coffee and cake with family and friends. 

What quote do you like to live by?
When the world tells you to give up, hope whispers try it one more time. 

If you had to describe yourself as a dog breed, which would you be?
Probably a rescue cross bread as thats our dog Zazu. 

What did you want to be when you were growing up? 
I don't think I had a specific main interest but always been pretty handy and like to give anything a go. 
If you've got any other questions, email Gemma and she'll happily answer!