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Getting to know our Class Assistant, Yas Muncey

14/10/2022 - Potter Paws Blog

Whether you have already met our Class Assistant, Yas, or have yet to have her assist you in our shop on Saturdays, it's always nice to know a little more about our team. Our other staff members came up with ten questions for Yas to answer and here you'll find the answers!

If you had to describe yourself as a dog breed, what breed would you be?
Look at me! It’s gotta be a poodle.
Tell us about your ideal Sunday?
My ideal Sunday would start off with a lovely long lie in, eventually rolling out of bed around 11am to have breakfast. I would then watch some TV for bit until getting ready to go out with my friends or to visit family. Once I’ve got home from my day out, I treat my Sunday evenings as ‘self care’ evenings. This consists of having a bubble bath, putting on a face mask, having a hot chocolate (if it’s a cold evening) and spending time with my parents. These are the most relaxing hours before a hectic week at school!
What is your favourite season?
I absolutely LOVE summer (not just because I get 6 weeks off school). I love the sunsets. Some nights I end up sitting in my garden with my family until 11pm as we stargaze and chat. Summer gives me so much happiness and motivation due to the longer days. It’s also a perfect time to have my birthday as the weather’s always beautiful!
What do you like to watch on TV?
I don’t often watch TV, but when I do it can be a whole variety of shows. It all depends on my mood really. When I’m bored I tend to watch programmes with mystery or suspense, if I’ve had a long day I’ll sit and watch a comedy; sometimes I’ll watch programmes like ‘Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away!’ or ‘Police Interceptors’.
Who inspires you?
My aunt is my biggest inspiration - she seems to create amazing opportunities for herself no matter what she does! She started out in a job she disliked and decided to turn her life around. She now is a presenter on Sky TV and on radio stations, she models and acts for many adverts, and to top it off she DJ’s in some of the biggest events in London such as Ministry of Sound.
What’s your favourite dog breed?
I’ve always loved golden retriever’s from a very young age. My great aunt breeds them so I have spent a lot of time with them. Ever since I’ve been at Potter Paws I have fallen in love with spaniels (especially Tash’s dogs Murphy and Coco). Their little faces and floppy ears are adorable, I also love how they can have so much energy one minute and want a cuddle the next. However, I still love both breeds equally.
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I could be basic and say I’d love to visit New York or LA. But I have always wanted to go to Jamaica - considering I’m 1/4 Jamaican! I’d especially love to go to a beach party there.
If you can watch any tv programme, what would it be?
Friends - it's my comfort show!
What did you want to be when you were younger?
I remember wanting to do many different jobs when I was younger, some being more basic than others. When I was very young, one job I really wanted to do was be a ‘balloon giver-outer’ as I would call it. I would always be so jealous of adults at theme parks giving out balloons to everyone. As I got to about the age of 5 I remember being with my mum at the tills in Tesco. I looked at the lady serving us and said “I want to do a job like yours when I’m older” which led the cashier and my mum to start laughing!
Do you have a favourite book?
Does a MacBook count?!

If you've got any other questions, email Yas and she'll happily answer!