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The Trio of Success: Time, Patience & Consistency

20/08/2023 - Potter Paws Blog

The Trio of Success: Time, Patience, and Consistency in Dog Parenting

In the world of dog parenting, there are often no quick fixes or magical solutions to achieving the perfect relationship with your furry friend. As a trainer and companion coach, I have been asked countless times about the secrets to success and how to quickly fix unwanted behaviours. In this blog, we will explore the trio of success - time, patience, and consistency - and look into why these three elements are crucial for creating a happier relationship with your dog.


One aspect that many dog owners tend to underestimate is the amount of time required to properly care for and interact with their canine companions. Beyond the training sessions, daily life with a dog involves feeding, watering, playtime, and socialisation. Allocating dedicated time for these activities is essential to building a strong bond and ensuring your dog's well-being. Whether it's taking them for walks, engaging in training exercises, or simply spending quality time together, it's important to prioritise and commit to these interactions on a regular basis.

Training is also a significant investment of time. While attending weekly training classes is beneficial, it is the daily practice in real-life situations that truly allows your dog to grow and learn. Just like humans, dogs require consistent practice to improve and develop new skills. So, setting aside time each day for training exercises will go a long way in forming their character and developing long lasting skills.

It's worth noting that training is not a short-term endeavour. Unlike a six-week course or reaching certain milestones based on age, training your dog is an ongoing process. The emotional and cognitive development of dogs takes time, often lasting several years. Just as we don't expect a child to stop learning after preschool, dogs continue to learn and adapt throughout their lives. Remaining patient and consistent in your training efforts will produce the best results in the long run.


Patience is key when it comes to dog parenting. Dogs, especially puppies, require time to settle into their new environment and adapt to their new routine. It's essential to understand that adjusting to a new household or family can take several months. Rushing the process can lead to frustration and setbacks in both the dog's actions and your own expectations.

If your dog has developed undesirable habits or unwanted behaviours, it's unrealistic to expect an overnight transformation. The longer a behaviour has been practiced, the more time it will take to undo and replace it with a desirable one. Just as breaking our own bad habits is challenging, teaching a dog to unlearn unwanted behaviours requires patience and consistent reinforcement of new habits.


Consistency is the glue that holds the trio of success together. Dogs thrive on predictability, so maintaining consistent rules, boundaries, and expectations is key to their understanding and learning. This means being consistent in your training methods, cues, and rewards, as well as establishing consistent daily routines.

Consistency also extends to your interactions with your dog. Reacting consistently to their behaviours will help them understand what is acceptable and what is not. It's important to avoid sending mixed signals by allowing certain behaviours at times and being unhappy with them for the same behaviours at other times. Consistency creates clarity and lays the foundation for a harmonious relationship with your four-legged friend.

The trio of success - time, patience, and consistency - is the backbone of effective dog parenting. By allocating sufficient time, remaining patient throughout the training and learning process, and staying consistent in your approach, you can build a stronger bond with your dog and help them thrive. Remember, there are no magic shortcuts or quick fixes, but by embracing these three pillars, you will create a happier and more fulfilling relationship with your furry best friend.

Hear more about this topic on our Podcast - The Dynamic Dog Owner